Welcome to the Charleston Progressive Democrats
Chair: James Norton nortslats@yahoo.com


North Charleston, SC. PDA members from the Charleston Progressive Democrats and the Dorchester Progressive Democrats held a Brown Bag vigil in front of the offices of Congressman Henry Brown (R-SC) on November 18th. The purpose of the vigil was to lobby for Healthcare not Warfare. Particpants held signs that stated "Healthcare not Warfare", "Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home", "US Out of Afghanistan and Iraq" and "Universal Healthcare not Universal Warfare". The protest/vigil was held in front of the Bank of America building in North Charleston where Congressman Brown has his District office. At one point a sympathetic police officer came and asked that the protest be moved to the sidewalk instead of the bank property. Many sympathetic remarks were made by passerbys on their way into the building. Many stopped and talked with the protestors and one even took a picture. When the protest was over participants went into Congressman Brown's office and spoke to his aide about our stance on universal healthcare and the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Congressman Brown is on the record as supporting the wars and opposing any healthcare reform. Congressman Brown is one of the most conservative members of Congress and represents South Carolina's 1st Congressional District. We told his aide that we were all his constituents and wanted to make our view heard. Congressman Brown is not only facing a strong primary opponent but is opposed by Robert Dobbs, a Democrat and progressive, from North Myrtle Beach, SC.

On October 18th, the South Carolina Progressive Democrats of America held a Candlelight Vigil for the Dead. The purpose was to commemorate the 122 people who die each day from lack of Health insurance in the richest nation in the world. The event was held in front of the South Carolina Statehouse in Columbia South Carolina. Speakers included Mike Ruckes of Summerville SC, candidate for United States Senator, Patrick C. Labbe State Coordinator for the Progressive Democrats of America, William Hamilton from the South Carolina Progressive Network and Carol Anne Bailey-Lloyd, Chairperson of the Midlands Progressive Democrats. James Norton of the Charleston Progressive Democrats was in attendance as well. The crowd included people who had traveled from all over the state including from the three chapters of the Progressive Democrats: Charleston, Dorchester and Midlands.